so...it's been quite a year... my sister in law left to go to heaven, then my grandmother left to go to heaven... then my dad found out he had cancer... then my husband found out his job was being "changed"... then my uncle found out he has cancer...
yet God is good.
How do I know this, because he is sufficient. Because throughout every thing we have experienced, not a moment has passed when i have thought I had any control. How GOOD is he that he carries it all? How GOOD is he that he knows it all? when i'm tempted to fret about something, i think, 'hmmmm, the Bible says do not be anxious for anything, but in everything give thanks.
now, that's pretty clear, and extrememly freeing.
would anyone benefit if i thought i COULD control any of it?
so...it is with great sadness that i look at the majority of people in the world.
those who don't know the "Controller"
how do they even take one breath...
and here's one for you.
my uncle, the one i mentioned, has been in unbelievable...exruciating pain... he's been literally unable to get rid of his pain - this reminded me, everyone that does not know the Savior of the world will know this kind of pain but unimaginably worse... consider this... we can bearly stand to hear his painful moans and we wish we could share his load, it's soooo terrible... yet, anyone that we do NOT share Christ with... we are robbing them of their chance to be free from this pain for eternity.
ETERNITY! did you hear me? pain, agony, defeat... for eternity.
praise the Lord and thank Him if you know Him.... call me if you don't, i'll be happy to introduce you.
in other news, we are hopeful that transplant steps are underway, so my Dad has a shot at the "only known cure" for multiple myeloma...yet still we know... God is in control and is greater than our hearts.