well... the PCA lions have roared victoriously at the state championship. what an exciting thing to experience! oh, how we love our school. if you wonder why... let me share this. while the fans were storming the field and the players were reveling in the victory... they were quick to come together for prayer... and then something i'm sure few have ever experienced in the wake of a great victory, these boys sang...
I am a hard fighting soldier, on the battlefield
I am a hard fighting soldier, on the battlefield
I am a hard fighting soldier, on the battlefield
I keep on bringin souls to Jesus
By the service that I give
I’ve got a helmet on my head, in my hand a sword and shield
I’ve got a helmet on my head, in my hand a sword and shield
I’ve got a helmet on my head, in my hand a sword and shield
I keep on bringin souls to Jesus
By the service that I give
You gotta walk right, talk right, sing right, pray right, on the battlefield
You gotta walk right, talk right, sing right, pray right, on the battlefield
You gotta walk right, talk right, sing right, pray right, on the battlefield
I keep on bringin souls to Jesus
By the service that I give
I am a hard fighting soldier, on the battlefield
I am a hard fighting soldier, on the battlefield
I am a hard fighting soldier, on the battlefield
I keep on bringin souls to Jesus
I keep bringin souls to Jesus
We keep bringin souls to Jesus
By the service that we give
Scriptural Reference:
"Put on the full armor of God." Ephesians 6:11
"With God we will gain the victory!" Psalm 60:12
The passion emmanating from these boys was overwhelming and extremely humbling. I'm certain the heavenly father was crying tears of joy as he watched the scene and blessed the team with a "well done, my good and faithful servants."
we are so grateful to be part of such an amazing school.
Ah that is fun. :) Sadly, when boys get older they grow up and turn mean... :( Oh, that sounded cynical... You can delete this post if you want to Robyn. :) :)
I think you'd get a lot out of committing an hour to listening to a Presbyterian.
Check out: www.ompc.org
Go to: Pastor's Corner
Go to: Sermon Archive
Check out: An Egg-cellent Vision of God
It's a cheesy title, but it speaks to the whole "bigness of God, pitifulness of man" thing...
Baptists - in general - seem to focus on how "we" can get others to heaven. As if WE have anything to do with it... The football team even sang about it... "I keep on bringing souls to Jesus / By the service that I give". Other folks even go the other way... they claim that we (or things) can send people to Hell. I disagree. Read Ephesians 1.
Sounds to me like "we're" taking credit for something we can't do.
Interesting. And so much fun to talk about over beers on the back deck.
(I know. I know. Beer is bad.)
I love that you are "souled out" at Prestonwood and that you are re-committed... and I love the fact that I can write to you about stuff like this... with full-knowledge that we probably disagree about a lot, but we're both believers.
We may think differently. We may practice differently... But the heart's there. I love that.
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