so, of course our kids went candy hopping last night... and adorable, they were
the sheer number of pieces of chocolate in our home are enough to put me into a sugar coma for weeks...
but, that's not the point. the point is we were able to keep up the tradition that was started four years ago. trick or treating with friends.
that leads me to a conversation about the importance of friends and how we can teach our children how important friends are...
hey, even Jesus had friends.
last night our church had a fall festival... let me share about that for a moment... because it certainly opened my eyes.
first of all, our church is diligent to be prayerful about everything... we walked the church in a prayer walk, we prayed allowed as a group, we were fortified by the prayers of pastors.... suffice it to say, I believe satan was bound from this place because of the prayers of God's people.
i watched ministers and volunteers toil tirelessly to ensure that every little kid had candy to eat, games to play and places to bounce their little heads off.
i saw sooo many people i did not know. the heart of the church is outreach and never is it more evident than the fall festival.
it reminded me of how when someone comes to your house and you either chat at the door, or you invite them in to play in your playroom, rest in your bedroom, eat at your table... after this you have an intimacy and commitment level to the relationship...
that's what prestonwood now has with all those from our community that donned the doors last night. what an honor to entertain the lost. what a privilege to represent Christ to those who've never even heard His name.
I have never been so proud to be a member of Prestonwood than I was on Oct. 31.
truly... wow
Awesome picture Robyn! I just love the costumes. Being a huge scifi fan myself, I can't imagine anything better than a Star Wars Family Halloween. :)
thanks... i'm glad you liked it... it was so fun
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