Tuesday, November 08, 2005

the "not so hard" drive

Well... my nice big fancy new laptop... CRASH ah ah (sounds like Flash Gordon theme song)yes, folks, it got injured, injured bad.

would you believe that my new G4 is in the shop for 5-7 long days to get a new hard drive. it's abominable. why didn't i back up my files? why am i going to have to spend more time reshooting photos that were really great to begin with? not being prepared...

guess what this makes me think of... that's right, Christ. do i want to get caught off guard, or unprepared when He returns? am i storing up anything on my la cie external hard drive? there is no excuse not to. it's all spelled out for me so beautifully in my Bible, God's word to me.... I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against Him. that's my hard drive.

what are you storing up in yours?


iv said...

Three things:

1. Romans 9
2. http://www.ivwrites.com/2005/11/time-flies.html
3. Mac sucks. My Dell has never crashed.

Anonymous said...

sorry about your computer. :( :(